Through our Sunday school classes, we hope to grow in looking more like Jesus by connecting with one another and learning alongside each other. We meet at 9:30am each Sunday for time together in God's Word in various settings. We offer classes for all ages, starting at 2 years old (with a nursery provided for babies). We have three adult classes: one is working through Daniel, another is working through Revelation, and a third that thinks through different topics that are relevant to our lives using a biblical framework. Here's a map of the church building; it shows where all of our Sunday School classes are located.

As adults, we meet together each Wednesday night from 6:30 to 7:45pm to meditate on God's Word and pray together as a church.
On Wednesday nights from 6:30 to 7:45pm, our young people (7th-12th grade) meet to spend time in God's Word and hang out together.
We want to see our children know and treasure Jesus, and so on Wednesday nights from 6:30 to 7:45pm, we provide opportunity for children 3 years old and up to learn about Jesus from God's Word. We're studying redemption in the 3 yrs old-kindergarten class, the attributes of God in the 1st-3rd grade class, and salvation & sanctification in the 4th-6th grade class.