The word gospel simply means “good news.” And the story of Scripture centers around the good news that God sent His Son to save His people from their sins. Jesus Christ lived the life we couldn’t live and died the death we deserved. But he didn’t stay dead. He rose again, defeating sin and death and giving us the hope of life forever with God. This is the central truth that unites all of us at FBC who have turned from our sins and trusted in Jesus.
The life transformed by the gospel is meant to flourish in community. God has given us his Spirit. And the Spirit unites all of God’s people together. At FBC, we seek to live alongside one another by encouraging, comforting, and challenging each other to grow more into the likeness of Jesus. This is hard work, and we don’t always do this well. Sometimes our sin gets in the way. But we are committed to growing in our love for one another as an expression of our love for God.
The glory of God ought to be the ultimate aim of God’s people. And so at FBC, we strive to make much of God by living out the gospel in the community of Warsaw. As we rub shoulders in daily life with our classmates and coworkers and friends, we seek to live purposefully for God’s glory and for the good of our neighbor.